About FacialStats AI Inc. – AI solution platform

Facial Stats Ai

Ai Behind the Lens

About FacialStats.com

Facial Stats AI is a privately held Canadian company, financed by private Canadian investors, that specializes in Computer Vision / Vision AI. We are working on unique problems from various industries that require the highest level of accuracy to solve real world problems. Our AI is designed to create “Actionable Intelligence” within milliseconds, so human users can address a greater number of issues in a shorter period of time.

The future of our company lies beyond facial recognition and we have carved out a unique niche in building Vision AI platforms to address unique needs within the banking sector, oil and gas sectors, mining industry, security & military establishments and the educational industry.

All research and development is completed within Canada and our experts have multiple years working within the AI industry and have developed world class solutions.

If you have a unique problem or unsolvable issue that you believe AI could represent a solution for; Please contact our experts today and we would be happy to discuss the realities of AI and the future possibilities for Ai solutions.

Contact Us : (866)947-8600